PRICED TO SELL FOR A APX8000XE. APX8000 XE FOUR BAND UHF1-380-470, UHF2-450-520, VHF 136-174, 7/800 Mhz. CONDITION 10 OUT OF 10, SEE PICTURES.
Can not leave the USA due to encryption. FACTORY SERIAL #s REDACTED FOR PRIVACY. Comes with: OEM BRAND NEW IN PACKAGE 4 BAND-GPS BAND ANTENNA. AND LIGHTLY USED IMPRES 2. OEM DISPLAY MIC WITH CHANNEL CHANGER. A basic code plug has been installed to show the radio info on the LCD and and to hear voice announcements with the channels. RADIO FEATURES: UPDATED FLASH For Federal FPP, BLUETOOTH, WIFI & GPS INSTALLED. Q806: ASTRO IMBE Digital Operation. QA02006: APX XE Rugged Radio. Q498: Hardware Multikey Encryption w/ OTAR. QA00571: Primary Band: UHF Range 1. QA00572: Primary Band: UHF Range 2.QA00569: Primary Band: 700/800 (Multi-Bit Option). QA01749: Legacy SW System Key Enable. Q947: APCO Packet Data Interface. Q173: SmartZone Omnilink MultiZone Operation. Q361: ASTRO 25 9600 Baud Trunking.